
Leasehold Riverside Paradise In Kedungu

Prime Leasehold Riverside Paradise in Kedungu

Total size: 1,460m2 (+ 140m2 private road access)

Dimensions: 41x40 meters

ITR: Tourism zone (pink)

Tenure: Leasehold until 30-01-2053 (28,5 years)

Pricing at Rp 13,900,000 per are per year

Total Rp 5,783,790,000 (equal. to 358,000 USD)

Why this land?

  • Just 6 mins (2km) to Kedungu beach
  • Near new campus Grow In Bali school (2025)
  • Close to Jungle Padel court and local cafes Investment Potential:
  • Upcoming developments like Potato Head hotel
  • Supported by Kedungu Fund activities
  • Promising growth, fraction of Canggu prices Development 
  • Opportunity: - Ideal for five pool villas with 3-4 bedrooms
  • Includes community space and parking
  • Architectural concept available (included in the price)

Ownership Type
Status for This Land
Land Size
1,460 sqm

Price IDR
IDR 5,783,790,000

Land Location

Land Gallery
Leasehold Riverside Paradise In Kedungu
Leasehold Riverside Paradise In Kedungu
Leasehold Riverside Paradise In Kedungu
Leasehold Riverside Paradise In Kedungu

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