
Property Info

Leasehold Title (Hak Sewa)

Leasehold title is an agreement term that is created to grant someone who leases the property (lessee) for a certain period of time.

Freehold Title (Hak Milik)

Freehold title is a legal term that grants someone to have full and permanent ownership of a property.

Right to Use Title (Hak Pakai)

Hak Pakai is a title that permits you to utilise the property you lease for residential activities. This title is used when the local landlord wants to rent the property to the foreigner for a certain time.

Right to Build Title (Hak Guna Bangunan)

Right to Build Title is a legal term that gives someone who has land title (leasehold) the right to own the building property on land owned by the landlord. Only legal entities like PT. PMA can have this title
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