KITAP in Indonesia: Your Ultimate Guide from A to Z

by BVR Property Team
25 December 2023

Indonesia offers cultures, foods, and beautiful landscapes that make everyone who lives in feel like they’re living in paradise. If you experienced living in Indonesia with KITAS and extended it multiple times, you’re allowed to have KITAP in Indonesia (Permanent Stay Permit).


This article will explain from A to Z about KITAP – the requirements, how to apply, the benefits, and many more. So, let’s dive in.


Introduction to KITAP

KITAP, or Permanent Stay Permit Card in English, is a stay permit granted to certain foreigners to reside and settle in Indonesia as a resident of Indonesia. This stay permit card is valid for 5 years and can be extended as long as the permit isn’t revoked.


Unlike KITAS, KITAP in Indonesia offers more advantages for you during your stay in this archipelago country. We will discuss the advantages of KITAP later.


Although KITAP offers you many advantages, not everyone is eligible to have this permit for living in Indonesia. What makes you eligible to have KITAP in Indonesia?


According to Undang-Undang Keimigrasian BAB 5 Pasal 54, you’re eligible to have KITAP if:

a. If you’re a foreigner holding the limited stay permit (KITAS) as clergy, a worker, an investor, and as a second home.

b. Family relations due to mixed marriage.

c. Husband, wife, and/or children of a foreigner holding the KITAP permit.

d. Foreigners who are formerly an Indonesian citizen and children who previously held dual citizenship.


Please note that KITAP will not be given to foreigners who don’t own a passport.


Here is one of the additional things you must fulfill to obtain KITAP in Indonesia stated in Undang-Undang Keimigrasian BAB 5 Pasal 60, as follows:

- For point 'a' above, will be granted after the applicant has resided for 3 (three) consecutive years.

- Point 'b' above, will be given after the marriage has reached 2 (two) years.

- Point 'c' and 'd' above, can be given immediately.

- Have a sponsor.


Someone with points 'b' and 'd' will be allowed to do work and/or business to fulfill the needs of life and/or his/her family.


Securing KITAP in Indonesia can be time-consuming, typically the whole process spanning around 3 months. However, the duration can be shorter and smoother if you seek assistance from a legal service.


KITAP vs KITAS: What are the Differences?

Some people might be confused to understand what are the differences between KITAP and KITAS.


KITAP offers you a permanent stay permit with fewer restrictions. This permit is ideal for you who have KITAS already and want to live in Indonesia for a long time. Whereas, KITAS offers you a temporary stay.



6 Types of KITAP in Indonesia

Here are 6 types of KITAP in Indonesia, such as:


1. KITAP with 5-year period of time.

2. KITAP for an indefinite period.

3. KITAP for work on a second home with a maximum 5-year period of stay.

4. KITAP is not for working on a second home. However, for the followers or family members, (husband/wife/children/parents) with a maximum 5-year period of stay.

5. KITAP for work on a second home for an indefinite period.

6. KITAP not for working on a second home. However, for the followers or family members, (husband/wife/children/parents) for an indefinite period.


6 Steps to Apply for KITAP

Here are six steps on how to obtain KITAP in Indonesia, such as:


1. Find a Sponsor

The first step you need to follow is finding a sponsor for your KITAP.


3 subjects are legal to become your KITAP sponsor. Those legal subjects are:

- Spouse of foreigners who want to live in Indonesia.

- Every Indonesian citizen can become your sponsor or guarantor.

- PT PMA or Indonesian-based companies, provided that Indonesian-based companies have a minimum paid-up capital of IDR 1 billion.


2. Gather the Required Documents

If you want to acquire KITAP, there are some documents you need to prepare.


Here are 7 documents needed, as follows:

- Passport with active duration for at least 18 months.

- KITAS (except for spouse KITAP).

- Sponsor letter.

- ID card (KTP) of your sponsor.

- Taxpayer identification number (NPWP) of your sponsor.

- A medical examination report.

- A police clearance certificate (SKCK).

- Letter stating you to commit not working in Indonesia and commit to employ at least two Indonesian citizens (for retirement KITAP).

- Work permit (IMTA) and the legal paperwork of the company providing sponsorship (for investor, commissioner, and director KITAP).


3. Submit Your KITAP Application

You can submit your KITAP application to the Immigration Office located in your residential area.


4. Pay the Fee

For a KITAP application you’ve submitted, you need to pay Rp5,000,000.00. up to Rp30,000,000.00 depending on the KITAP validity period.


5. Attend the Interview

After your application has been processed, the next step is attending an interview with an immigration officer. The interview will discuss about your application.


Please note that the interview will be held in Indonesian. So, if you can’t communicate well in Indonesian, having a translator is a good idea.


6. Obtain Your KITAP

The Immigration Office will review your interview and will decide within 30 days. You’ll obtain your KITAP if your application is approved.


8 Benefits of Having KITAP in Indonesia

Here are 8 benefits that confirm that having KITAP in Indonesia is attractive for foreigners, such as:


1. Family Sponsorship

KITAP holders can live in Indonesia and be reunited with their spouses and families.


2. Indefinite Residency in Indonesia

KITAP offers a prolonged residence of 5 years with renewal possibility. It means KITAP in Indonesia eliminates the requirement for yearly extension.


3. Work Permission

Having KITAP (except retirement KITAP) also allows you to simplify the employment procedures and work in Indonesia without any additional permits. 


4. Property Rights and Business Ownership

KITAP allows investors and entrepreneurs to buy property rights or establish a business in their own names.


5. Indonesian ID Card (KTP)

KITAP holders will have a right to hold an Indonesian ID Card (KTP) that applies for 5 years. The KTP can be extended if the holders want to renew their permanent stay permit.


6. Driver License (SIM)

Not only KTP, but KITAP holders also have a right to hold a driver's license (SIM) as well. The SIM is valid for 5 years.


7. Banking Facilities

Someone with a permanent stay permit in Indonesia can open bank accounts, apply for credit cards, or apply for loan easier.


8. Travel Benefits

KITAP holders can enjoy the flexibility of multiple-entry re-entry permits (MERPs). These MERPs allow them to travel in and out of Indonesia seamlessly.


How to Extend Your KITAP?

If you want to extend your KITAP, you must submit an extension application within the earliest period of 3 months and the latest is on the day the KITAP expires. The required documents and process are similar as making a new KITAP.


The extension application for KITAP in Indonesia is currently starting from Rp5,000,000.00 and the Immigration Office will review your application within 30 days

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